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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Interviews and lil tidbits

ヽ(´ー`)ノ capellkun here presenting to you our much awaited interrogation section(interview really) about our weekly training @ colosseum, iluma.

We welcome our casts here today, our coach Check 囧, Impunity members jX, Bean, Ben, as well as myself. Joining us as our special guests today will be a staff of Colosseum, and the coach of Team Insanity for Blackshot.

Let's start off with jX-san, our captain in charge ever since Ric has been sent off to a remote island somewhere near Singapore for indoctrination.
(my turn soon yeh, but dont worry i'll remain as an otaku instead of a clubwhore(^-^)b)

What do you think of this place as a venue for your weekly training?

'great place, great standards, definitely nothing short of being the best LAN gaming center locally. The environment here is what i would call sublime; the ultimate gaming experience(you bet) .Hopefully we'll see more HoN teams playing here instead of Blackshot though( ´,_ゝ`) haha! Actually, we are really honored that our training is held here, so lemme use this chance to give my thanks again to the management of Colosseum, and the people behind the scenes for making this possible.'

Next question is directed at Beanie,

'What do you think of our coach, Check-sama?'

(roleplay commences)

'Check-sama...if i were to describe, i'd akin him to a beacon of light, granting us divine illumination and enlightenment. Guiding us through the various obstacles and issues that stand by before us, he is truely the SunZi of gaming...

(ends roleplay)

on a more serious note, we're really thankful that he's dedicated to our cause. Behind every successful team is always a great coach, yep no doubts to that statement.


'What does your team do usually after training?'

'we go home lar...' that is what Ben would like to say. Unfortunately for him he is being abducted for weekly kinokuniya trips after training. No exemptions, now that is what i would like to say....

'We usually hang around after training to have dinner and chat about random topics in random places ranging from rampant cockcoaches coffee shops(pun intended) to maid cafes'

(i prefer butler cafes actually, NAH JK)

'after that, at capellkun's behest, we shop the same places over and over again. Then i finally get to go home....Pretty sure they call this Deja Vu...'


The curtain falls....NO HOLD ON. k my turn now.

'What would be the team's greatest disappointment thus far?'

'Thats a simple question. I would say....why is dreamhack not in nippon, why is DYA not in nippon omggmgomg?!?!?nippon....'

'What on earth are you talking about??!?!?!?!' - bewildered interviewers

'I want my baseball suki da yo!'

My dream to be a power pitcher....

Now before we delve further into this pool of baseball mess lets move on.......

Now, questions for our 2 VIPs!

Colosseum Staff-

To start off,
How long have you been working here, in Colosseum?
-Working for around 1.5Years

Are litters often left behind by customers? If yes, how do you manage it?
-Yes, the cleanliness of LANshop is very well managed by the staff; clear the litter customers left behind and vacuum once they leave

Are there any near future events that Colosseum is holding?
-Upcoming Events in Colosseum; Blackshot/SC2 Tourneys

So, how many teams do you see training here, in Colosseum every week?
-Around 5 teams train in Colosseum during weekends; much more during Tourneys

Blackshot;Insanity Coach-

What do you think is most important for a Cyber-Gamer to have?
-"Attitude is the most important thing to start with"

So, how often do you train your guys?
-Trains the team during weekends and weekdays; at home(if possible)

What are your views on Competitive Gaming?
-Playing game for leisure can be done anywhere. However, playing Professionally can be tough training; attitude and endurance comes in

What kind of Players are you interested in, to polish their skills?
-Only players who are serious in training are picked.

Besides training, does Insanity have other Supplementaries?
-Insanity goes on group outings around once a month; for example- BBQ

With that it'll be the end of the interview. Much appreciation from the participants for their time and effort.

Stay tuned for for more Baseball HON updates